14-Day Guarantee Badge

14-day Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee

We stand behind our Brute Bevellers and that’s why we offer a 14-day satisfaction guarantee. If the product does not perform to the Brute Beveller customers’ expectations, they can contact us within 14-days of taking delivery and organise to return the product. In return they will receive a refund of the purchase price excluding the associated delivery cost, subject to the terms and conditions as follows:

  1. In order to organise a refund under these terms and conditions, the customer must notify Brute Beveller via email to sales@brutebeveller.com.au within 14 days of taking delivery and request a refund under these terms and conditions. The customer must comply with the directions of Brute Beveller staff in order to facilitate a refund.
  2. Where a customer requests a refund in accordance with these terms and conditions, the refund will be for the amount of the purchase price excluding the Delivery Costs as specified in the customer’s Order.
  3. The 14 Day period will commence on the date that the customer accepts delivery of their Brute Beveller. Where there is no proof of delivery, this date will be assumed to be three (3) business days from the date of dispatch of the product.
  4. The Brute Beveller must be returned within 14 days of requesting a refund under these terms and conditions.
  5. Returned products must be returned in accordance with the Refunds and Returns section of the Brute Beveller Website Terms and Conditions. This includes being returned in the undamaged original packaging, with all accessories and in re-saleable condition. If the item is returned in a damaged condition, we will not accept the return as per this agreement and will charge the customer a fee to cover the costs of selling the damaged item at a reduced price.
  6. Customers must return the products for which they are seeking a refund at their own cost. If they are unable to find a way to return the products, Brute Beveller may organise a courier to pick up the products from the customer. Where Brute Beveller organises a courier to pick up the products, the customer will be charged the same amount as the Delivery Cost listed in their Order to cover the cost of returning the products. Where items were ordered under “Free Shipping” promotions, the return delivery charge will be equal to the current website delivery rates.
  7. After receiving the returned products, Brute Beveller will issue a refund as soon as is reasonably practicable and the customer will be provided with an e-mail acknowledgement. Where possible, refunds will be processed by reversing the initial customer transaction. Brute Beveller accepts no responsibility for any delays that may occur in receiving the refund as a result of any third-party payment gateway.
  8. Brute Beveller reserves the right to make changes to these 14 Day Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee Terms and Conditions without notice.